Bills and issues pending in the 2023 Texas Legislature of interest to nonprofits, state associations and foundations are now available. The “60th” day of the session has passed when all bills must be filed. Read and print my early session legislative summary here.
2022 UT Law Nonprofit Organizations Institute Topics
Policy, legislative and legal issues facing Texas nonprofits, foundations and associations were updated in my presentation at the 39th Annual Nonprofit Organizations seminar sponsored by The University of Texas School of Law on January 13-14, 2022. Read and print my presentation here. The seminar featured an impressive range of topics with speakers from throughout the U.S. The course brochure can be read and printed here. The presentation topics reflect these challenging times for the leaders, managers and professionals who are guiding nonprofit organizations, foundations and associations.
2021 End-of-Session Legislative Summary for Texas Nonprofits
The 2021 legislative session featured a number of bills reflecting issues and policies that leaders in the Texas nonprofit sector should consider. My final summary can be read and printed here. There were few bills that appeared contra to the interests of nonprofit organization operations and governance or that impose new regulations on nonprofits. Despite COVID restrictions when the session began plus the February ice storm, legislators warmed up things later in the session and left several contested subjects for a planned special session later in 2021: redistricting, criminal bail reform, voting procedures and whatever else the governor directs. Among the bills that did not pass listed below are seeds of opportunity for subsequent sessions. There were 6,927 total bills and resolutions filed in the House and Senate, and 1073 passed or were adopted in some form. Print the Summary
2021 Texas Legislative Proposals Affecting Nonprofits
Legislative proposals affecting nonprofit organizations, state associations and foundations are among the 7,000-plus bills on file at this halfway point in the 140-day 2021 session. My complete summary can be read and printed here. In a challenging economic environment, nonprofits should look to opportunities for contracting and partnerships with state and local governments as well as accessing funding programs that have been generated through government disaster response, pandemic response and economic stimulus measures. Look through the legislative summary for new revenue-generating sources and expanded programs that align with your mission.
Nonprofits Cope with COVID-Era Challenges
Organizations of all types that serve the public good have been challenged to sustain their programs in the troubling COVID-19 environment. Sound governance, prudent financial management, a focused mission and sound business plan can sustain most nonprofit enterprises and associations. Others less prepared may face an uncertain future. My presentation (view and print it here) at the Texas State Bar’s 18th annual nonprofit organizations course echoed the advice of other professionals, who also recognize new realities presented in 2020 and the need to adapt programs and operations. My co-presenter was Adrianna Cuellar Rojas, President and CEO of United Ways of Texas.