Richard W. Meyer is an attorney practicing in Austin, Texas, with 30 years’ experience with nonprofit organizations, statewide associations, state government agency contracting, legislation and public policy analysis. His background is in business ventures and investments, government agency operations and contracting, and general corporate/business/real estate practice.
As Former Chair and Vice President for Public Policy for the Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations (TANO), he monitored pending legislation involving the interests of nonprofit entities in the Texas Legislature and U.S. Congress and is the Texas liaison to the National Council of Nonprofits (NCN) in Washington, D.C. Rick serves as outside counsel to an Austin-based, nonprofit statewide marketing network of nonprofits with operations of more than $100 million per year, which contracts with government entities for goods and services.
He represented state agencies in federal courts across the nation while with the Law Enforcement Division of the Texas Attorney General’s Office (1981-85) and served as a special investigator of nonprofit organization misconduct.
Always involved in historic preservation efforts, he was counsel for the Texas Historical Commission (1981-85), was the first counsel for the State Preservation Board (which restored and enlarged the State Capitol), was the first counsel for the highly-successful Texas Main Street Program, was a founder of Preservation Texas (a statewide advocacy organization), and served as chair of the Austin City Historic Landmark Commission for six years and vice chair of the Austin Downtown Commission.
Rick has founded and served on the boards of numerous nonprofit organizations, has lectured and written articles for nonprofit managers and for CLE seminars, and was an advisor in the M.B.A. program at St. Edward’s University of Austin for graduate student consulting projects. He practiced in Los Angeles from 1975 to 1981. He is a graduate of The University of Texas School of Architecture (1970) and School of Law (1974), and is a lifelong supporter of UT Austin, including active participation in the Texas Exes, Chancellor’s Council, Friar Society, various fundraising initiatives, and The University PAC and annual Legislative lobbying day. He is licensed in Texas and California, serves as an arbitrator, and is a Texas registered Lobbyist.