Texas Legislature 2015 Preview

Issues to consider in reviewing Texas legislative proposals that affect nonprofits

The 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, will be called to order on January 13, 2015, but already hundreds of proposed bills have been pre-filed by sponsors in the House and Senate. About 6,000 bills will be filed during the session. The challenge becomes how to sort through them and identify the bills that directly affect the nonprofit sector and the interests of community leaders, volunteers and those who support community-based organizations, statewide associations and foundations. [Read more…]

2013 Texas Legislative Summary

83rd Texas Legislature, 2013 Regular Session As of 6-18-2013

Final TANO Texas legislative report for 2013

The Texas Legislature ended its 83rd Regular Session on May 27, and numerous bills were presented as listed here that directly or indirectly affect the interests of nonprofit organizations. The following summary lists bills and issues that should be of concern to leaders in the nonprofit sector in Texas. Almost 6,000 bills were filed, 1,436 were passed and sent to the Governor, and the Governor vetoed 26. The state’s budget, education, infrastructure and growth challenges occupied most of the legislators’ attention during the 140-day Regular Session.

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