2015 Texas Legislative Summary for nonprofits – Mid-session report

With more than 6,200 bills filed by Texas legislators now in play, anyone attending or following long committee meetings or floor sessions at the Texas Capitol will test their patience, attention span, caffeine tolerance or lumbar endurance.

Nonprofit organizations, state associations and foundations are affected by dozens of proposed bills, directly or indirectly. The April 1, 2015 SUMMARY OF ISSUES AFFECTING NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS is available here and will be updated regularly through the June adjournment of the 84th regular session and after. Share it with your colleagues and friends and receive updates by clicking the Subscribe box on this page. [Read more…]

2015 Texas Legislative Summary for nonprofits – “60th day” report

With more than 6,000 bills filed by Texas legislators by the filing deadline, any observer attempting a snapshot of the issues ahead in the coming weeks will need a wide-angle lens. There is a lot to read and understand, no matter what your area of interest.

Nonprofit organizations, state associations and foundations are affected by dozens of proposed bills, directly or indirectly. The March 13, 2015 SUMMARY OF ISSUES AFFECTING NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS is available here and will be updated regularly through the June adjournment of the 84th regular session and after. Share it with your colleagues and friends and subscribe to receive updates by clicking the Subscribe box on this page. [Read more…]

2015 Texas Legislative Summary for Nonprofits – First Report

Bills of interest 30 days into the 84th Regular Session

One month into the 2015 Texas Legislature regular session, there are some indicators of the kinds of issues that will affect nonprofit organizations, state associations and foundations. Available here is my First Summary of Issues Affecting Nonprofit Organizations. Each summary will grow in size, be updated regularly and revised, as more bills are filed and as committees begin hearings.

Subscribe to this blog and receive updates by email by clicking on the Subscribe box on this page. To access the text of any bill before the Legislature and follow its status during the session, use Texas Legislature Online at www.capitol.state.tx.us. [Read more…]

Monitoring bills in the 2015 Texas Legislature made easy

A useful and amazingly nimble website maintained by the State of Texas empowers anyone to monitor proposed bills pending in the Texas Legislature.

Texas Legislature Online, www.capitol.state.tx.us, is available to all without charge and is as comprehensive and dependable as expensive online services used by lobbyists, law firms, activists, reporters and state associations. With a little practice, you can become your own legislative analyst, keep your organization up to date with developments in Austin during the session, and impress your friends and associates with your current and deep knowledge of legislative matters. [Read more…]

Texas Legislature 2015 Preview

Issues to consider in reviewing Texas legislative proposals that affect nonprofits

The 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, will be called to order on January 13, 2015, but already hundreds of proposed bills have been pre-filed by sponsors in the House and Senate. About 6,000 bills will be filed during the session. The challenge becomes how to sort through them and identify the bills that directly affect the nonprofit sector and the interests of community leaders, volunteers and those who support community-based organizations, statewide associations and foundations. [Read more…]